So What Had Happen Was...
Sitting in the car in front of his sister D's apartment one fine afternoon the pair were chit chatting about life plans. At some point R looks over says we could start a maid cafe. D laughs and says maybe, she then proceeds to do some rough googling and eyeballs the situation and says yeah, they could.
Months go by and the two kinda forget. Then one night D remembers Rae saying he wants to do this, so she gets the minds of the council together and they brainstorm a maid cafe name. They forget things again.
Then in the crispness of spring D comes to R and says oh yeah I registered our business. R says what! and they start building and doing research! Come August of 2019 they start doing their first pop ups. And the rest is as you say.. history.
The truth...
If you visited our little cafe a lot of you will notice that D is the steam engine behind this ship, but what you don't know is that R is the heart. D loves her brother and the team loves R just as much. We do this because it makes R happy when he gets to have genuine interactions with others. A lot of us know what its like growing up feeling a bit alone or adrift because your interests don't a line with the people who surround you. And R wanted to be kinda like a lift raft drifting through and bringing people to the shores of like-minded friends. He is the friendliest and softest and cuddliest guy we know. And he protects everyone here, and we work to make his dream come true.